LIT 110

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

To You For Sure

All peace in all peace out. Fisherman I am and I have hooks in every today; next day maybe. I had to be there; of course for you, but my props are inventive. I gots hooks there sure, hooks in you. All peace in all peace out, lets breath together. All together... all in all out. When 'ur born, all in. When you dead, all out. In love all in. In pain all out. All peace in all peace out, watch what you take in, sneaky what you get out. 20 years to the day, I've sped through a thousand momments. ahhahah, game, her, pain, them. All of it is a river in my head, debris of yesterday and the river bends to some unknown tomorrow. I have thought long and hard on what it was I am to say to you. What I am to say to myself. Steer, this is where we shall go. Avoid the sharp pointy rocks and choose the clear path. Never back away from your convictions, always be honest. Endure hardship and learn their lessons. Feel pain but accept it. It fades after a momment. I wish I had... so many "wish I HAD".. never held a bloody knife, never bit until skin broke. Its not very pretty, the picture of me. Painting all over the walls. Honesty? Honesty can be very frighting, not in what it is, but what it reveals. But a light breaks in when all is unveiled. I thought long and hard about all my thoughts. Futile mostly. Most are a waste of time, lost on a path that doesn't even exist. But you're real, my pen is real. This room is real. How about I think about that. You were here yesterday, laughing at me. We left the house and walked to the end of the lane. Where ever that is and wherever we were. Who ever we were. Silence. In this room I remember you. I always think back on all that you said, I recall how you cried. Tears of joy and perhaps pain. But I remember your smile and exactly what made you smile. I was always a sucker for those smiles. I couldn't even be serious. But without you I always am. Serious as death. I face it everyday. I obey all the rules I can, but I know some radical possibility is always out there that could snuff out my life. But most likely not. So whatever. All the cliche sayings have been branded on my mind, "MAKE THE MOST OF TODAY". Perhaps they have all exhausted their striking wisdom. But still I always have to admit the truth in their words. And I will. I will make most of these momments without you. The One I Love Who Now Is Gone.

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