LIT 110

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Like Or As

"Bailey remained in the 
driver's seat with the cat-gray 
striped with a broad white face 
and an orange nose-clinging to his 
neck like a caterpillar." 
(398 R.)

"She had her big 
black valise that 
looked like 
the head of a 
(393 R.)
The Mist fit sprang back as if 
a snake had bitten him and 
shot her three time 
through the 
(403 R.)

uhhh... some of these are quite disturbing, hippos, caterpillars, and snakes. Mostly animal 

references, which is interesting, because I guess it is way easier to picture animals. Also, these 

animals mentioned are not that attractive, at least not like a butterfly. :) This is good though 

because that adds to the style by the author writes this story.