LIT 110

Thursday, November 4, 2010

He Spoke Mono

There is a boy in the back room, his collar is red. He blends into the black velvet curtains. Invisible. He waits in silence, but no one here wants to go to him. I didn't even know he was there until last night, but he cries a lot so you might not want to get close or you can get a little wet if you want to. But as for us, we will stay clear, even this distance is close enough, I feel sick. Another warning, he is really angry and hurt, that is why his collar is red. It keeps him there in that back room, hidden from the rest of us. No one here doesn't even go near him, but we know we couldn't get that collar off. It is too hot, even if you think about it too much, my head starts to hurt. Lets talk of something else. Yeah... this is a strange place, I only started going here last week, but all these people are something dead. A part of something dead, at least- they smell. I can distinguish the smell, but even I am getting tainted, I bring perfume, really potent, could even knock you unconscious, but it doesn't last long in this place. I am becoming tainted. I have to separate myself constantly I don't want to smell dead and not know it. They don't seem to mind though, they just walk around and whisper in corners, they are afraid to disturb each other, but their murmurs drive each other crazy. They are paranoid, I am paranoid. Did you see that shimmer! Oh! I really hope that ghost doesn't talk to me again. He spoke to me to me last time and I froze for the entire night. I almost broke my ankle when I was released, because I had no strength to stand after. You learn to ignore the dull whispers after while, it is almost like you are in a hive. I don't know where the honey is though. I know I should shut up because I am making no sense, but seriously, if you had sense you would leave. Oh! You're gonna stay? Your brother is here! Your friend you say. He must be a close friend to be a brother. I had a brother once, he got swept away in that river, the one that never stops. From what I heard, it won't stop until some guy put it under his foot. I wonder what kind of shoes he will be wearing? Not sandals because that won't stop any water, it will just pass through...

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