LIT 110

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Day In The Life

If only to hear her heart near
Unsaid, undone, in shameless love so dear
I will know the best of it all
Her smile, her laugh, and every idle call
Still would I know more of thirst not quenched
To see the truth in the blood of a wound
It all quells afar from war made tame
This beast in me becomes stilled by sleep
I saw the truth in the blood of a wound
Hence all became clear to me
No longer hope in hope so unfound to slay joy
But met in the clash of willful desire
These two became naked though with no shame
Akin to bareness of soul; shieldless hearts revealed
"I do love you" "I do also love you"
Echoes hardly went then fled all care
Then they belittled eternal life as well
Becoming two like mirrors of foolish love
"Heaven has no equal next to my love,
no purer world and to thine a god is lesser
Who dares to heighten her beauty?
Who dares to dress her?
Its a cold act, bold and useless"

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