LIT 110

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thesis Power

I am scared about my thesis, which I would consider a good thing. Ha ha I would say, I am glad I even have one. I think I present on the morrow.
I would like to write of the tragic sense of life, which is a topic I consider a lot. No I do not walk around super depressed, just thinking about life makes me wonder sometimes. It really is sad. Despite how you live life and what you do, it will all disappear and all you have done will come to nothing.
Sorry! My thesis... right. But yeah, life is tragic, and I wanted to write a paper on that, really detailing my experience with life's tragedy. As much as people would like to think life is not a tragic. The only reason that there is something called life anyways is because there is death. Just as there is good because there is evil. Right because there is wrong. Love and Hate.

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