LIT 110

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Like Or As

"Bailey remained in the 
driver's seat with the cat-gray 
striped with a broad white face 
and an orange nose-clinging to his 
neck like a caterpillar." 
(398 R.)

"She had her big 
black valise that 
looked like 
the head of a 
(393 R.)
The Mist fit sprang back as if 
a snake had bitten him and 
shot her three time 
through the 
(403 R.)

uhhh... some of these are quite disturbing, hippos, caterpillars, and snakes. Mostly animal 

references, which is interesting, because I guess it is way easier to picture animals. Also, these 

animals mentioned are not that attractive, at least not like a butterfly. :) This is good though 

because that adds to the style by the author writes this story.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It was the strangest and faintest dream, but I thank God I finally had one I could actually remember. :) Well I sort of remember it. Well, it began with the setting around a pool; one that I think is much like the one at my home. There was sort of a game like basketball in a pool. I sat out as I usually do in social gatherings and observe; that’s at least what I think I was doing. People would automatically pair up and would play a game I am still unsure about what it was exactly. It did require swimming though. With dreams, it is always so strange that physical things come in feelings and emotion. It isn't stone, but what I feel what would be stone. Fear isn't seeing something; it is premonition that without a doubt something is there, even though I don't see it. So I was watching strangers, friends, and family play this game in the pool. Then somebody I loved touched the bottom of the pool and lost. When she got out of the pool she was angry and hurt she had lost. I embraced her as she came around to where I was and I felt the emotion of feeling cold skin. But I also felt the enormous satisfaction of holding her so close and securely. I wasn't sure who she was. She disappeared from my consciousness and I soon joined the game. But I don't know what it was I was playing. I just wanted to show people how I could launch from the wall and go speeding through the water. However, I touched the bottom of the pool and got the feeling I did something wrong, because I knew I shouldn't touch the bottom of the pool, but I pretended I didn't. Then, just as if I had jinxed myself, I did it a second time, by this time I knew I was cheating by not taking myself out of the pool. Then I touched the bottom of the pool for the third and final time, so when I came to the surface a man was there pointing a thick finger at me. He had a green coat on with a green hat and a orange beard, I got the impression of a dwarf/lepercon sort of guy although he was tall. So I got out and continued to watch the game from the side lines. After that it is just bits and pieces, but none of them are clear enough to tell

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The only thing I could think of as my earliest childhood memory is one takes place on a cracked sidewalk outside my house in Billings. I do not know why I remember this though. It could be because those days were the last days I was with my parents. But now our family is broken and I haven't been with my family in 14 years. The memory is faded, yet what remains is there is printed in my mind like a painting that has been scraped with sand-paper. I was playing with either my brother, friends, or myself. But I was very interested in getting one of those toy cars that look like red and yellow beetles over the cracks in the cement. That is my earliest memory of frustration, yet it may have been something entirely different.